Mother Moon

Understanding and syncing your actions and intentions with the phases of the Moon is one of the most powerful, wild, and Wise Woman things that you can do. Women have been doing this since the beginning of time! The Moon influences your every move of every day, and when you welcome the power of Mother Moon into your life, the magic starts showing up! 


Mother Moon holds space for us as we grow. She is there for us when we fail and when we have new and fresh ideas about our future. She invites us to reflect on our behavior and thoughts and calls on us to go deeper within so that we can step into our true Highest Self.


This mini-course is designed to guide you through developing a deep understanding of the power you hold within and how it directly correlates to the cycles of the Moon. I also designed this program to give you the tools you will need for creating your own monthly practices.


Bonus Material:

I’ve included two exclusive and potent Moon Meditations, one for the New Moon and one for the Full Moon. Additionally, I’ve added my most influential, thought-provoking journal prompts for you to use, all designed to immerse you in deep reflection. 


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Moon Flow

    • Moon Influence
    • The Moon Phases
    • My Monthly Moon Flow
  • 2


    • The New Moon & New Beginnings
    • The Full Moon & Releasing
  • 3

    Bonus Material!!!

    • New Moon Meditation
    • Full Moon Meditation
    • Potent Journal Prompts

Bonus material

  • Meditations

    These intense and transforming meditations will take you on a journey to discovering clarity on your next moves and releasing what may be holding you back. Download them & take them anywhere!

  • Moon Sign Chart

    Feb 2020 group coaching call will be dedicated to learning more about your personal Moon Sign. Just like Sun signs, we each have a Moon Sign and that sign determines a lot about who we are as individuals! I'm so excited to offer this bonus to each of you!

  • Celebrations

    In our private community will be celebrating both the New & Full Moons of February '20. Come join us in embracing new & powerful tools for making deep and meaningful connections with Mother Moon & like minded women!